Senate committee holds law enforcement agencies responsible for missing persons


The Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights’ Chairperson, Nasreen Jalil, on Monday accused law enforcement agencies of abducting people and “asked” them to to investigate the missing persons case. “They [disappeared individuals] are not even presented in court and [only] their tortured corpses are found later,” she alleged. Jalil asked how anyone could obey the law if law enforcement agencies themselves do not abide by it. The committee further observed that cases of several missing persons have not even been registered. Senator Farhatullah Babar of the PPP added that the…

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Provinces job to take action against banned outfits, says Ahsan

ahsan iqbal


ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal told the Senate on Thursday that it was the responsibility of the provincial governments to keep an eye out for and take action against banned outfits in the country, including those organisations that were resurfacing under new names after being outlawed. The Senate had asked Mr Iqbal to provide the name of the authority or agency responsible for keeping a lookout for banned organisations in the country, under the National Action Plan, and the role of the Ministry of Interior in monitoring the activities of these organisations.…

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Senators call for across the board accountability


ISLAMABAD: Senators representing different parties have called for an across the board accountability system which should include keeping a check on judges and military personnel. On first day of opposition-requisitioned session, senators came down hard on the ruling party particularly former prime minister Nawaz Sharif who was disqualified by the Supreme Court late last month. Senate debated on measures to combat corruption, with focus on offshore companies, across the board accountability and a new accountability mechanism. Taking part in the discussion PPP’s Farhatullah Babar said that a historic opportunity had presented…

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