Islamic Council Norway without State’s fund in 2019


Oslo (Mohammad Tariq) Islamic Council Norway (IRN) is completely left out from State Funding in Budget 2019. Two different Norwegian Islamic umbrella organization were appeared in 2017 with titles; Muslim Dialogue Network (MDN) & Islamic Council Norway (IRN), because of administrative rift in organizational work in one Islamic Council.

In the Norwegian state budget for 2019, it is proposed to set aside half a million Crone on measures under the aegis of the Muslim Dialogue Network (MDN) The five organisations, the Islamic Federation (Rabita), the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Albanian Islamic Cultural Centre, the Islamic Cultural Centre and the Centre Rahma are members of Muslim Dialogue Network (MDN).

In 2017, IRN initially received an operating grant of NOK 1.3 million, but 650,000 of this was held back and pledged to other dialogue measures as IRN did not meet the requirements for continued support. In 2019, it is instead Muslim Dialogue Network that is poised to obtain Government support for the first time. We are thankful for the trust shown to us, and recognise that we have a major responsibility ahead of us, says Senaid Kobilica of MDN.

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