Pakistan Independence Day Celebration in Estonia 2018


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Pakistan got its independence on 14thAugust 1947 from British Raj after partition of British India. Pakistan Independence day was organized and celebrated by Pakistani community in Tallinn on 14thAugust 2018. Community includes students, employees, business community gathers at town hall square along with their couples and children to cherish their country’s 72ndbirthday celebration. Everyone was carrying Pakistani flags and wearing colorful traditional clothes to enjoy their day as festival.

Program started at 18:30 with playing Pakistan National Anthem at the center of Town hall square. Pakistanis pay tribute to their nation by keeping silence during anthem. Afterwards, beautiful green cake with crescent and start on top, covered with Pakistani green color topping, was cut and everyone had a sweet bite of 72 years old independence. Not only Pakistanis, but Estonian and tourist also participated in cake cutting ceremony and tried delicious cake.

 After cake cutting ceremony, Pakistanis call “Pakistan Zindabad”, long live Pakistan, slogans with passion and enthusiasm. Meanwhile loud Pakistani national songs created an atmosphere of patriotism and affection to their homeland. On special song, Dil Dil Pakistan”, Heart heart Pakistan, every Pakistani showed their national pride by singing their favorite song and calling slogans together. People were taking pictures and making videos and sharing their cheerful moments with love ones on social media to show their patriotism.

After cake cutting ceremony, everyone walked towards a local restaurant in old town, where management warmly welcomed Pakistani community and pay tribute by playing Pakistani Patriot songs and cutting another cake on behalf of restaurant. There, more Pakistani families and individuals joined the gala and flocked together in the celebration. Everyone enjoyed the music and took group photos at the end.

“I am very happy to celebrate our first independence day in Estonia in this manner. I live in Tartu and have travelled in Tallinn today specially for this event. I am always eager to join any Pakistani cultural or national event in Estonia, and when I heard that Pakistanis in Tallinn are celebrating the day of 14thAugust, I decided not to miss this event in any case.  Today it looks like we are celebrating our independence in Pakistan”, said a Pakistani PhD student.

Pakistani community has been dramatically growing since last couple of years in different cities of Estonia. People live peacefully here and serving in Estonia with their acquired skill. Every year the day 14th of August, discovers the love and tenderness people have for this great land. It is good to see if more Pakistani cultural and traditional event are being organized in Estonia in coming years.


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