Pak’s Foreign Policy is based on our National Interests with a focus on strengthened relations: Ambassador Jauhar Saleem


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By Yasir Aziz (Berlin-Germany) 

Speaking with Overseas Tribune (OT), the Ambassador of Pakistan to Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Jauhar Saleem highlighted the importance of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and formidable challenges, the country faces. ‘Pakistan’s Foreign Policy is a principled based policy, in pursuit of country’s National Interests, stated the Ambassador.  

In an interview with our Warsaw based contributor for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Yasir Aziz, he spoke about Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and strengthening of our relationships under fore-coming leadership of Imran Khan, whose party has won an overwhelming majority in elections 2018. The Interview covered various aspects of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy in depth.  

Speaking about grey enlisting of Pakistan to FATF (Financial Action Task Force), he reiterated that the country has been asked to take certain steps and if there is anything remaining – ‘We shall do it’. To add: he stated that Pakistan will make sure to explain the International community about our efforts combating ‘terrorism’.  

In response to a question about possible paradigm shift in Pakistan’s Foreign Policy under new leadership, the ambassador stated that he, somehow disagrees with this categorization and sees Pakistan following a steady course of developing its relations with its regional and global partners.   

On Kashmir, he said that the International community is very cognizant of Kashmir issue. The continuity of process of a meaningful dialogue is inevitable to solution of Kashmir; An unresolved dispute, he stressed.    

In his closing remarks, the Ambassador expressed his absolute optimism in Pakistan’s Foreign Policy stating that our Policy is a continuous process on a course of steady development and the country will continue playing an effective role in International community. 

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