Norwegian Journalist Kadafi released after four days in Pakistan


Kadafi Zaman Released from Jail

Oslo (Bureau Report)

The Norwegian Journalist of Pakistani origin Kadafi Zaman who had arrested on 13 July in Pakistan was released on Monday afternoon after four days of his detention at civil-line police station in Gujrat in Pakistan.

According to his father Chaudhary Mohammad Zaman, “My son was released from the police custody on bail due to alleged charges against him.

Kadafi was arrested on Friday during media coverage of a crowd of supporters of Nawaz Sharif, the leader of former ruling party (PML-N) at Chinab bridge in Gujrat city.

The former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Marrium Nawaz were held by Pakistani security forces on their arrival in Lahore from London on Friday’s evening.

The ex-PM and his family members are accused of exploitation of state authority including hiding their financial assets abroad.

Kadafi Zaman Released from Jail

Not, only Kadafi but a large number of PML-N supporters were also arrested throughout Pakistan specailly Punjab province in order to stop the rallies in favour of the former Prime Minister on Friday.

According to Ch Zaman, the father of Kadafi Zaman, Kadafi was arrested on fake charges of attacking on police. He said, Kadafi was covering the event as media person and police declined to accept his identity of being a journalist.

It is important to mention that Kadafi Zaman is a famous Norwegian Journalist of Pakistani origin. He is affiliated with TV-2 of Norway and has prestigious position among the media people due to his genuine professional approach and dedication with his profession.
On this incident, the senior Pakistani Journalist Syed Sibtain Shah said, detention of a prominent Norwegian Journalist Kadafi Zaman has created bad impression about Pakistan. This was absolutely wrong, undemocratic and against the principal of freedom of press and media, he said. Pakistani police needs to be trained, how to deal the press, he added. He also appreciated the braveness specially highly professional approach of Kadafi Zaman as a journalist.

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