Chairman KC-EU expresses solidarity with the families of disappeared people in IHK


Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) has expressed solidarity with the families of disappeared people in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK).

In a statement on occasion of International Week of the Disappeared, Mr Ali Raza Syed said, We are with the families of the disappeared persons in IHK. He also appreciated the struggle of human rights organizations including Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) working for disappeared people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Chairman KC-EU demanded for implement the International Convention and other international rules on the issue of disappeared people in IHK as calling for the protection of all persons from enforced Disappearance and criminalize the practice of enforced disappearances. 

It is important to mentioned that the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) accepted that more than 8000 persons in Jammu and Kashmir were disappeared beside the thousands of unmarked mass graves but the government seems to be unwilling to initiate any such effective inquiry in the context. 

Mr Ali Raza regretted that despite a consistent campaign by the parents and relatives of disappeared persons, no action has been taken by the Indian government. The government has failed to investigate enforced disappearances, bring the perpetrators to justice and provide compensations to the families. The government so far has been reluctant to set up a Commission of Inquiry which has been a recurrent demand of APDP. Due to the continued denial, the families of disappeared particularly half widows and their children continues to suffer endlessly.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU has said, beside the international community, it is also moral duty of Indian civil society to pressurize the Indian government and make it responsible for the forces disappearance of the people in IHK.

Mr Ali Raza Syed said, the world Community should put pressure on the government of India to make sure an impartial enquiry  into all the cases of enforced disappearances and ensure speedy justice to victims and prosecute the perpetrators of enforced disappearances in IHK.

Ali Raza Syed also condemned raped and brutal murder of two young ladies by the Indian men in uniform at a locality in Shopian area of IHK on May 29, 2009. He called for fair probe and justice to these innocent women.

On May 29, 2009, Aasiya (17) and Neelofar (22) were abducted, and subsequently raped and killed by the Indian men in uniform and their bodies were recovered next day.


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