Chairman Kashmir Council EU condemns growing cold blooded murders in IHK


Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Mr Ali Raza Syed has condemned rising number of cold blooded murders including killings of youths and children committed by the occupation forces in Indian Held Kashmir.

Giving a latest example of the cold blooded murder, he said that in a fresh episode, a youth namely Adil Ahmed was crushed to death by a vehicle of Indian forces during a protest in Srinagar on Saturday.

In a statement in Brussels, Mr Ali Raza Syed called the killing as a cold blooded murder of an innocent Kashmir youth as saying, “It is worst example of India’ state terrorism.” Earlier, Indian forces used pellet guns against the innocent people and then, they insulted the humanity by forcedly fastening a Kashmiri man front of the military vehicle and driving the vehicle through different villages in the occupied territory.

Ali Raza Syed added, number of the cases of cold blooded murders of the Kashmir youth has been increased in the recent years. Chairman Kashmir Council EU conveyed his deepest condolence to the heirs of Adil Ahmad and said, we are with the bereaved family and will continue to raise such issues of brutal violation of human rights in Jammu and Kashmir.

He added, people of the Occupied Kashmir are demanding their fundamental right to self-determination but Indian authorities want to smash their peaceful movement through brutal force of state terrorism.

Chairman KC-EU said, the grave situation of human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir, growing atrocities and genocide of Kashmiris should be a matter of concern to the international community.

He underlined, Indian authorities should learn from the history that their crimes against humanity in Jammu and Kashmir would not be forgotten and could not be escaped from justice as crimes of the Nazi criminals are still being pursued and trialed by the world community.

He added, all the crimes against humanity in IHK are being documented and sooner or later those responsible for crimes will face the Justice.

Ali Raza Syed urged the International Community to make necessary steps for setting up international tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law in IHK like the International Tribunals for persecution of the crimes against humanity committed in the territory of former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

Ali Raza Syed urged the international community to play its effective role for inquiry into the grave human rights violations of the Innocent people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Chairman KC-EU also asked the people of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) to dispatch maximum information and necessary evidence of ongoing violations of human rights in occupied territory of Kashmir as saying we will inform the international community about this severe violence time to time, specially we can use these evidence on a proper time against the crimes against the humanity in Jammu and Kashmir.

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