Norwegian Minister to avoid Islamphobia, Says GS Islamic Council Norway


Oslo, News Desk
General Secretary of Islamic Council Norway (IRN), Mehtab Afsar Khan has asked Minister for Immigration and Integration Sylvi Listhaug to avoid spreading Islamphobia trends.
He was talking in a debate appeared on Norwegian Media on hate speech issue.
About a proposal raised by the minister, GS IRN feared that the proposal could give more wind to the spread Islamophobic attitudes.
“Many Norwegian values ​​are based on universal values ​​that most people respect. We are all working against those who spread hatred. The proposal of minister may restrict some basic rights.
He suggested Ms Listhaug to take more responsibility for the attitudes she has.
“Listhaug has a political responsibility as leading minister in order not to spread Islamophobic attitudes, what she says is noticed. We have to build bridges, do not burn them, “says the IRN leader.
It is important to mention that the minister is prominent figure for her controversial statements about Muslims and other immigrants in Norway.

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