KC-EU wishes Pakistan’s prosperity on Pakistan’s Day


Chairman Kashmir Council Eu Ali Raza Syed Brussels BelgiumKashmir Council Europe (KC-EU)’s Chairman Mr Ali Raza Syed has desired prosperity and successes of Pakistan in every sphere of life.

Issuing a statement on Pakistan Pakistan’s Day (23rd March), he cordially greeted the government and the people of Pakistan.

About Pakistan’s independence in 1947, he said, creation of Pakistan was a great achievement of the Muslims seeking an independent land in the region. He wishes for a politically strong Pakistan among the World community of the nations and as well as praised for maximum progress of Pakistan in economic and social sectors.

Appreciating the Pakistan’s role on Kashmir issue, Ali Raza Syed expressed hope that Pakistan would continue to its courageous support and solidarity with the suppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir.

About Kashmir’s issue, chairman KC-EU said, Kashmir dispute is not only a core cause of tension between Pakistan and India but also main hurdle in restoration of peace and prosperity in South Asia.

He said, durable peace and stability of the region can be achieved, if Kashmir issue resolved according to the wishes of people of Kashmir.

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