‘The world needs to see a true picture of our motherland & our youth must play an effective role in better imaging of Pakistan” – Maleeha Lodhi


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The ‘EU Diplomatic Enclave’ and Diplomatic Correspondent for the ‘Overseas Tribune’ spent last week in New York, United States visiting different Governmental and non-Governmental organizations including The United Nations Headquarters and Pakistan’s Permanent Mission to United Nations Office at Pakistan House, New York.

Mr. Yasir Aziz is founder of ‘EU Diplomatic Enclave’, an online forum of discussion of world’s most oppressing security challenges and their interconnectedness with country’s Foreign Policy. Mr. Aziz’s work is focused on Pakistan and its Foreign Policy and has spent over 6 years in Eastern Europe with deep insight observation of Ukraine Crisis. He is currently working on Pakistan’s better imaging in the world and also associated with our newspaper as a Freelance Journalist/Correspondent on affairs of International Diplomacy.

His visit to United States was part of a project called “Model United Nations- The Future we want” organized by Federation of Model United Nations and Italian Academy of Diplomacy. Every year over 2500 students, academics, intellectuals, observers, and Journalists from all around the world are gathered in real time United Nations headquarter New York, to discuss about ongoing United Nations agenda. The Model United Nations involves and teaches participants researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to Critical Thinking, team work and leadership qualities.

During his visit, Mr. Yasir Aziz also had a privilege to meet the Honorable Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan’s permanent representative to United Nations. The thirty minutes meeting covered a range of topics namely Pakistan’s role at United Nations and how effective diplomacy, Pakistan plays, in regards to its contribution to resolution of global crisis at UN Agenda. The Honorable Ambassador also encouraged Mr. Yasir Aziz for his tiresome efforts to work for Pakistan and its better imaging at various International Forums. The Ambassador also emphasized that Pakistani Youth should come up and represent True Pakistan internationally. “The world needs to see a true picture of our motherland & our youth must play an effective role in better imaging of Pakistan” – stated Ambassador Lodhi.


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