Khanewal landlord slashes 7-year-old’s nose ‘for stealing sugarcane’


An influential landlord in Khanewal on Monday allegedly slashed the nose of a seven-year-old boy after accusing the child of stealing sugarcane from his fields, DawnNews reported.

The seven-year-old was accused of stealing sugarcane.
                                            The seven-year-old was accused of stealing sugarcane.

The child was taken to a basic health unit in Abdul Hakeem city, where he was given initial medical treatment.

An official at the health unit said the child’s condition was “stable” and he had been sent home after his wounds were treated.

However, the victim’s father claimed that the doctor had discharged the child acting on the orders of the influential landlord in order to prevent a police case being filed.

The victim’s father additionally complained that police had refused to register a case against the landlord because of the influence he wields.

When contacted, DSP Shahid Niaz informed DawnNews that police had not received any official complaint and therefore did not register a case.

“Now that we have received a formal complaint, we will follow due legal process in this regard,” he assured.

Source: Dawn

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