Memorial for Asma Jahangir in Norway: Norwegian Pakistanis pay tribute to late human rights lawyer


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Oslo, Bureau Report:

Norwegian Pakistanis paid glowing tribute to the unique services rendered by prominent Pakistani human rights activist and lawyer late Asma Jahangir.

A gathering for condolence of her death was arranged by Norwegian Pakistani Family Network at Furusat library in Oslo, the capital of Norway on Sunday’s evening. Participants offered pray for her and lauded Asma’s services for human rights, democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism in the Pakistan and abroad.

A number of Norwegian Pakistani intellectuals and people from all walks of life attended the condolence reference which was moderated by prominent Norwegian Pakistani lawyer Arshad Butt.

Member Norwegian Parliament Dr Tina Shagufta, Norwegian Pakistani veteran journalist Syed Mujahid Ali, President literary organization “Halqa Arbabe Zauq” Aftab Warraich, M. Idress and Dr Nadeem Hussain of Dareecha organization, former member Norwegian parliament Athar Ali, Researcher Syed Sibtain Shah, Prominent progressive social activist Ilyas Khokhar, senior journalist of Norwegian TV Atta Ansari, PPP’s senior leader Ali Asghar Shaid and Malik Afzal Ashraf spoke on the occasion. Prominent Norwegian Pakistani ladies including Shagufta Anwar and Nilofar Hameed also attended the program.

The speakers praised and acknowledge sgruggle of brave Asma Jahangir for oppressed segments of society and against rights abuses in Pakistan and abroad.

They said that Asma defended the rights of voiceless, poor, downtrodden and dispossessed, and spoke out for the victims of violence and against discrimination on the basis of gender and religion.

They emphasized that mission of Asma should be continued by protecting and upholding of fundamental human rights of people in Pakistan.

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