Kashmir Council EU holds demonstration in Brussels for solidarity with Kashmiris


Kashmir Council EU Demonstration Brussels 5 feb 2018

Kashmir Council EU organized a demonstration in Brussels, the capital of Belgium Sunday in order to express solidarity with oppressed people of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK).

A large number of people from all walks of life and as well as representatives of different NGOs and human rights organizations attended the gathering held at corner of Rue Billiard and Avenue Des Arts near Brussels’ Trone Metro station situated between  American Embassy and Belgium’s Prime Minister house. European Parliament placed at background of the scene.

An event of candle lights vigil was also arranged during the demonstration which was attended by the people while holding torch lights.

Raising placards having slogans against anti Indian State-terrorism, the participants expressed their solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris specially families of the martyrs killed by Indian forces in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) so far.

By condemning the atrocities and genocide of Kashmiris committed by Indian Occupation forces, the participants also paid great tribute to the brave people of Kashmir.

On the occasion, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed and other speakers said, we will continue our support to the people of Kashmir till suitable resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

The speakers said, people of Kashmir are struggling peacefully for right of self determination and there should be plebiscite under United Nations supervision in IHK in order to make clear political fate of the disputed Kashmir’s territory.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU pointed out that deployment of eight lakhs Indian troops in IHK is a proof of occupation as a large scale human rights violations are being committed by these occupation forces.

Indian authorities are engaged to press the peaceful mass resistance by use of brutal force and atrocities.

Ali Raza Syed also condemned violence against innocent people and detention of leaders and political workers opposing the unlawful Indian rule, particularly imposing restrictions time to time in the different areas of IHK.

Ali Raza Syed further said that freedom struggle will not be stopped by Indian evil designs and its illicit rule. Kashmiri people will continue their struggle for freedom from Indian occupation. India has forcefully held the state of Jammu and Kashmir but people of Kashmir want their right of self-determination which was promised by international community including UN, India and Pakistan.

Highlighting the importance of European Union’s Ali Raza Syed also urged, the Union to play its role peaceful resolution of the issue.

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