Musharraf to visit Oslo soon: Pakistan Union Norway invites him


Oslo (PR) Former President of Pakistan General retired Perez Musharraf will visit Oslo, the Norwegian capital shortly.

He will arrive in Oslo city on invitation of Pakistan Union Norway to participate in the union’s upcoming program to be held on 19th August in the Norway.

This was disclosed in a statement issued by Pakistan Union Norway’s Chairman Ch Qamar Iqbal. 19th August’s program by Pakistan Union Norway is being held in connection with 70th anniversary of Pakistan’s Independent in Oslo.

Beside, Musharraf, Bliquis Edhi and Faisal Edhi respectively widow and son of late Abdul Sattar Edhi will also be distinguish guests of the program.

Ch Qamar Iqbal said, Musharraf is a great patriotic soldier of Pakistan and he had some great achievements in his tenure for the prosperity and unity of the country.

Ch Qamar Iqbal explained the achievements of Musharraf as saying his government allocated special seats for women in parliament, empower the people at lowest level. Protection of the minorities and many other efforts were among the achievement of the Musharraf’s tenure. Pakistan first was his slogan which motivated the people for unity and solidarity.

The statement of Pakistan Union Norway further said, Musharraf will be given a special award for his services to the nation.

During his stay in Norway, Musharraf will also meet Norwegian Authorities with coordination of Norwegian Pakistani politician Aamir Javed Sheikh, Says Chairman Pakistan Union.

Wife of late Adbdul Sattar Edhi, the renowned social worker of Pakistan will also be given a special award for her services. Edhi was well known worldwide for his legendary social work ,prodigal and humanitarian nature. Last year his death marked a great influence on the history of social work in Pakistan. He was best known for his slogan of “No religion is greater than humanity“. Bliquis Edhi have spent a lifetime working for helping people & their welfare work to date remains unparalleled in Pakistan. Bliquis Edhi and Abdul Sattar Edhi built a nationwide network of humanitarian centres offering a wide range of life saving services to the people of Pakistan including destitute homes,air & marine ambulances,immunization centers, educational services, animal shelters,free cosulatncy clinics, food & shelter, child adoption services . Both Abdul Sattar and Bilquis Edhi received many international peace awards for their services for humanity.

The statement said, Musharraf, Mrs Edhi and Faisal Edhi will be warmly welcomed on their arrival in Oslo.



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