Senator Siraj Ul Haq to address Pakistani Community in Oslo on Sunday


Senator Siraj ul Haq

Report by Mohammad Tariq

Chief of Jamaat e Islami, the well known religio-political party of Pakistan Mr Siraj ul Haq is on his way to Norway on weekend. He is invited by Islamic Culture Center Norway to address a public gathering on Sunday (Dec 31, 2017).

The topic of lecture of the leading Pakistani conservative figure is “International Scenario and Pakistan”.

Senator Siraj ul Haq is an elected chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, the social, religious and political party in Pakistan which aims are to establish Islamic laws in the country. He also serves as senior minister for finance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.

Change cannot come until, we completely remove the VIP culture from the country, pointing out that the poor have no rights in the country. “Instead of crying over the situation, I give you an alternative to creating a revolution,” he said. “The current system has rendered our youth useless. This is a system where son of a poor man despite having relevant skill has no job. In this country corruption, nepotism and bribery are common menaces. He is extremely popular in his constituency and known for his modesty among both friends and enemies.

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