Pakistan’s Embassy in Norway disappoints over a story carried by a Norwegian newspaper


Pakistan Embassy Norway reaction on AftenPosten Story

Pakistan’s Embassy in Norway has expressed its disappointment over a news story carried by a reputable Norwegian newspaper as saying it can create misconception in the society.

The report appeared in Daily Aftenposten on 26th November said, thousands of used Pakistani passports, waste and other documents were left behind at the embassy’s previous premises as the embassy moved out to another place in August 2017.

Reacting over the report, Pakistan’s Ambassor to Norway Ms Riffat Masood sent a letter the news Editor of the newspaper. The letter said, It is disappointing that a highly reputable newspaper, like the Aftenposten, known for its unbiased and balanced reporting should have carried this story which serves no purpose other than to plant the seeds of discord and create misconceptions between the Pakistani and Norwegian society and undermine the excellent relations that exist between Pakistan and Norway.

The letter said, the Embassy removed all its material from the building including essential furniture and all, repeat, all sensitive documents. While shifting, one room was overlooked and when it was brought to the attention of the Embassy that one room still had some documents in it, it was categorically pointed out to the landlord and his representatives that those documents were not of any value or importance. These were old, outdated and invalid passports as well as other documents which were to be destroyed or thrown away.

The Embassy offered to send some officials to remove the documents and throw them away, but the landlord’s representative stated that since they were not of any importance nor of a sensitive nature, they would carry out the disposal themselves and it was of no matter.

The letter further said, the Embassy trusted the good intentions of the landlord and his representative since all matters had been settled through mutual agreement. It is now obvious that this is not the case, which is unfortunate.

Addressing the editor, the ambassador asked that it would be highly appreciated if this letter is published in your newspaper so that the matter could be clarified. 

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