Chairman KC-EU Ali Raza Syed pays glowing tribute to Martyrs of November 1947


Chairman Kashmir Council Eu Ali Raza Syed


Kashmir Council Europe (EU)’s Chairman Mr Ali Raza Syed has paid glowing tribute to Jammu’s Martyrs of November 1947. Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observe the day to reiterate the pledge that they will continue the mission of their martyrs till the achievement of the inalienable right to self-determination.

Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris were killed by the forces of Maharaja Hari Singh, Indian army and Hindu extremists in different parts of Jammu region while they were migrating to Pakistan during the first week of November in 1947

Mr Ali Raza Syed who issued a statement on his return from city of Bergen Norway to Brussels, said, the Jammu’s martyrs day has the significance in the ongoing massive struggle for freedom from the Indian occupation. Chairman Kashmir Council EU (KE-EU) attended a graceful ceremony of RATO Prize 2017 which was received by two leading human right defenders of Indian Held Kashmir Parveena Ahangar and Parvez Imroz in Bergen.

KC-EU’s Chairman said, we have to pledge to continue our struggle till achievement of inalienable right to self-determination of the people of Kashmir. He also emphasized on raising of the human rights of Kashmiris as maximum level. Mr Ali Raza Syed urged the International Community to take immediate and serious notice of worsen situation in the occupied land.

He said, the extrajudicial killing of Kashmiris specially military forces’ attacks on peaceful protesters is a routine matter, no one is safe and Indian authorities are frequently committing war crimes. Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said that unfortunately violence and human rights violations in Indian held Kashmir (IHK) are rapidly continued. Murder, rape, disappearances, torture, the use of guns by the Indian authorities and lack of freedom of speech and restriction on peaceful protest is a matter of every day in the occupied territory, he pointed out.

He termed it as a brutal act and a violation of fundamental human rights of people as saying, “But it cannot deter the people of Jammu and Kashmir from their demand for right to self-determination”.

Mr Ali Raza Syed said, “We will continued to make the International Community specially Europeans aware of the atrocities in occupied Kashmir and as well facts about severe situation related to human rights in IHK. “We want to uncover real face and ruthless face of India”, Chairman of Kashmir Council-EU Ali Raza Syed concluded.

He called for resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute by the realization of the right to self determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, as per the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

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