Florida bank robber googled ‘how to rob a bank’ before committing crime


Florida Bank robber Googled before robbery

CALIFORNIA: In one of the weirdest revelation involving a bank robbery, a suspect of the crime revealed before the police in Florida that he did  a Google search for “how to rob a bank” prior to the incident.

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said an undisclosed amount of cash was taken from the Achieva Credit Union in Largo on Oct. 5.

The suspect was identified as William Joe Johnson, 26, who was arrested Monday at the Express Inn in Pinellas Park.

“Detectives interviewed Johnson and he admitted to the bank robbery. Johnson informed detectives he was in need of money so he googled ‘how to rob a bank’.”

He used the stolen money to pay for rent, utilities and drugs, say detectives.

The suspect was arrested at a budget hotel four days after the robbery and transported to Pinellas County Jail.

Deputies said Johnson walked into the bank just prior to 11 a.m., approached a teller, implied he had a gun and demanded cash.

The suspect fled on foot and deputies posted security camera photos to Facebook before identifying the man as Johnson.

Johnson told deputies he needed money and did a Google search for “how to rob a bank” before going through with the crime, the sheriff’s office said.

He said he had initially planned to rob a Wells Fargo branch, but changed his mind after seeing a large male teller at the facility.

The sheriff’s office said Johnson told investigators he had already spent all of the money from the Oct. 5 incident and had planned to rob another bank.

Source: Ary

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