Karbala is a message of freedom for the humanity, Says Chairman Kashmir Council EU


PR from Brussels:

Paying tributes to Imam Hussain (A.S), the grandson of Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and His great companions at the battleground of Karbala, the Chairman Kashmir Council EU Mr.Ali Raza Syed has said that Karbala is a message of freedom for whole humanity particularly all of the freedom lovers.

In a statement on the Day of Ashoora, Ali Raza Syed said that the sacrifices offered by Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) in the Karbala will remain as an example for the all freedom’s believers.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU also condemned the brutal action of Indian forces and severe use of tear gas against the participants of a profession of Ashura in Indian Held Kashmir on Friday.

All the pro-freedom leaders and activists of Kashmir who wanted to liberate their land from Indian occupation, have profoundly learned the lesson from the message of Karbala. In that battle, Imam Hussain got victory despite of his few followers and minor quantity of arms. Yazeed was defeated despite of thousands of forces and a huge quantity of weapons.


“The Kashmir’s movement which has been backed by the sacrifices of the large number of people will never be blocked by the Indian authorities and one day, the movement would achieve the liberation from the occupation forces.

The martyrs of Karbala have set an example for us to get united and struggle for the noble cause of Kashmir.

He said, Karbala was a battle between the truth and falsehood but truth prevailed and falsehood defeated.


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