Norway: Extremists run Indian Government today, says Tariq Ali


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Report by Tariq Mohammad
UK based Left Wing famous activist of Pakistan’s origin Tariq Ali has accused that the current Indian government is being run by the extremists.
He was talking at a seminar on Politics, History and Culture which was organized by Melahuset in Oslo, the capital city.
Tariq Ali has been a leading figure of the international left wing since the 60s. He is writing for the Guardian newspaper since the 70s. He is also a long-standing editor of the New Left Review and a political commentator published on every continent. His books are included The Duel: Pakistan on the Flightpath of American Power, and The Obama Syndrome.
Tariq Ali analyses, how different top level political and  organizational decisions affects a society, culture, top level power cultural norms reflects in everyday life at grassroots level. If Top Level political power circuit is corrupt than often you can observe corruption at every level in a society.
Answering to Audience questions Tariq Ali says, first Turkey Erdogan tried to be humble with Europe to get Turkey in EU. After neglecting attitudes by EUROPE towards Turkey EU membership, Erdogan shifted his political strategy towards Muslim identity, this shift gave him lots of support, specially support from rural religious conservative areas.
Erdogan playing smart to hold power by promoting Islamic culture & values, at same time he tries to have soft hand on Turkey cities liberal community.
Answering to a question about India – Pakistan relationship, Tariq Ali answers that Indian government is run by Hindu Extremists. Extremist group RSS is backing to extreme right political party BJP. BJP political policies is written by RSS, improved by RSS and implemented by BJP.
About harmony with Pakistna, he said, with this Indian Government, it is a little probability that India-Pakistan tension will be reduced.
A question about dismissal of Nawaz Sharif because of corruption charges, Tariq Ali answered as saying, I am wondering why it took long time to fire him from public serving duties. Nawaz Sharif has been always corrupt. Nawaz is not a Politician, he is a business man. He is smart and knows, how to use politics and public office to increase own private wealth through different international public tenders. Dangerous one is that left side parties in Pakistan are also involved in mismanagement of public funds.
At conclusion of his speech, he often gets a question from an Indian retired general that why we get just one house after retirement, but Pakistani Retired generals gets many residential and commercial plots and as well as agricultural properties. Answering to this particular question, Tariq Ali said, you Indians were just a servant of the Nation, but Pakistani Retired generals were the dominant over the nation.

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