Tough Deed with Commando Musharraf in Norway: What actually happened with Musharraf at Nobel Peace Centre Oslo?



Overseas Tribune’s Exclusive Report

Lecture of Former President of Pakistan General retired Pervez Musharraf at Nobel Peace Center Oslo was arranged by “Dialogue for Peace” a sister organization of 14th August Committee headed by a Norwegian Pakistani right wing politician Mr Aamir Sheikh. It was the day of 17thAugust and lecture of Musharraf was on international affairs including world political system in changing international scenario, political changes from Europe focus to South East Asia. US, Europe, rising power China, South East Asia, South Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The lecture was held at Noble Peace Center Oslo, where instead of Norwegian native scholars, the most of the participants were Norwegian Pakistanis. Some of the Balochs were also there and after Musharraf’s speech, one of the Balochs raised a question during question answer session. The organizers tried to forcibly stop the questioner which caused a rigidity in the event. The question was about allegedly  killing of Balochs in Pakistan including former governor of Pakistani Balochistan Nowab Akbar Bugti during Musharraf’s tenure. Situation became more worsed   when some other Balochs also stood from their seats and raised the issue of Balochistan and anti-Musharraf slogans.
Musharraf was surrounded and guarded by the organizers including Aamir Sheikh and his colleagues Sofi Anwar and Tala’at Butt. while Musharraf wanted to answer the Baloch’s questions but his organizers were stopping him to interaction with Balochs. They also tried to force Balochs not to raise such questions. Actually, the organizers had fear this interaction could be resulted into a physically clash. The event was stopped uncompleted. Balochs were forced to leave and Musharraf was forced not to address them.
At least, the administration of Nobel Peace Center intervened to end the disputed reflections. Consequently, we found it necessary to cancel the Q&A and stop this event. We deeply regret how this turned out” a statement issued by Nobel Peace said.
Musharraf stopped to meet Norway’s PM 
Secondly, during his visit to Norway, Musharraf achieved to meet with former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne but could not succeeded to interaction with sitting Prime Minister Ernal Solberg.
He tried to meet her at opening ceremony of multi cultural festival in Oslo on last Friday but her guards did not allowed the former Army Chief of Pakistan to move even one each further to reach her. Musharraf was disappointed and decided to leave the ceremony without attending it.
Praising Musharraf in another event in Norway
Meanwhile, in another event in Norway, Musharraf was warmly welcomed. People stood from their seats with clapping, when he reached at the function arranged by another Norwegian Pakistani organization “Pakistan Union Norway”. He addressed this event which was arranged in connection with Pakistan’s day celebrations at Lorenskog near Oslo on 19th August.

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He was also presented an award by Pakistan Union Norway’s Chairman Ch Qamar Iqbal for his services for the nation. During the well-organized function the participants appreciated Musharraf for his notable steps for Pakistan.

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