An artistic work of a Norwegian Pakistani Artist Anwar Ali Kazmi


Oslo (News Desk)
An Apocalyptic depiction of the globally traversing multi-strained Covid-19, encompassing many of the societal impacts that can be viewed from the outer edges drawing the viewer in with politicians debating the balance between humaneness and economic destruction with throngs of people ‘virtually’ gathered hanging on their decisions. Conversely at the heart and soul of the picture emanating outwards the selfless care and heroism of our health care professionals on the frontline through to the grim reality and solemnity of funerals with loved ones interred by masked strangers and the deep heartache and sorrow felt by families so removed. Sitting in amongst and intersecting the somberness, parents getting on with daily live doubling up as school teachers and balancing working from home. What will be the new societal norms?

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