KC-EU to organize a three-day protest against revoking of special status of Kashmir by India: Ali Raza Syed


Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) will organize a three-day protest from Wednesday in different places in Brussels, the capital of Belgium against Indian decision for abolition article 370 and 35A in order to revoke special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a statement issued by Chairman Kashmir Council EU Mr Ali Raza Syed, the protest camps will be held from 10:30 (10:30 a.m.) to 17:30 (5 p.m.) at different places in the capita city, which is also EU’s headquarters. The statement explains, camp against Indian decision at Place de L’ Albertine will be held on Wednesday, 7th August, at. Place Schuman (In front of EU’s External Actions Service) on Thursday, 8th August and at Place de L’Europe (In front of Central Station) on Friday, 9th August.

Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed said, we shall raise our voice against the Indian decision for revoking special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

It is important to mention that by issuing a presidential order, India on Monday has announced to abrogate articles 370 and 35A from its constitution, which gives special status and rights to the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The announcement was made by Indian Home Minister Amit Shah while addressing in Rajya Sabha, upper house of Indian parliament as saying that Jammu and Kashmir now a union territory with legislature, and it is no more a State with a special status.

Ali Raza Syed said, imposing new legislation by the Indian government for abolition of special status of Jammu and Kashmir cannot stop struggle of Kashmiri people for freedom from Indian occupation. India has already tried to oppress the people of Kashmir by imposing presidential and governor rules and a puppet government in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK).

Condemning the new Indian development regarding IHK, Ali Raza Syed said, Jammu and Kashmir is not a part of India, it is an internationally recognized disputed territory.  He said, India wants to change demographic situation of Jammu and Kashmir but this evil desire of New Delhi will not be materialized.

He said, there should be a plebiscite under United Nations supervision in Jammu and Kashmir in order to make logical political fate of the disputed territory.

It is a fact that a large scale human rights violations are being committed by the Indian forces in IHK. Indian authorities are engaged to press the mass resistance by use of force and brutalities.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU also called the international community special world powers including U.S. and EUto take serious notice of the severe situation in the held Kashmir (IHK). They should play their useful role for preventing human rights violation and just and peaceful resolution of issue of Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

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