Renowned Philanthropists Bilquis Edhi and Faisal Edhi arrives in Norway


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Report by Syed Sibtain Shah
Renowned Pakistani social activist and philanthropist late Abdul Sattar Edhi’s widow Ms Bilquis Edhi and her son Faisal Edhi have arrived in Oslo, the capital of Norway.
They were received by Chairman Pakistan Union Norway Ch Qamar Iqbal and the union’s delegation in Oslo, the capital. Senior journalists Atta Ansari and a number of Norwegian Pakistanis were also present. They will participate in a graceful ceremony arranged by the union in connection with 70th anniversary of Pakistan’s independence in Norway. The event will be held on  Saturday, 19thAugust 2017.
Balquis Edhi who spent her whole life for social welfare activities in Pakistan and abroad along with her late husband, will receive a special award for her great services for humanity.
She and her son Faisal are operating largest social welfare network in Pakistan which has also operations for humanitarian assistance in other countries.
Former President General Retired Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan and Balqis Edhi, head of Edhi Foundation and her son Faisal Edhi would participate in a grand event in connection with 70th anniversary of Pakistan’s Independence Day in Norway.

The program is being arranged by Pakistan Union Norway, the leading Organisation of Pakistani community based in the Scandinavian country (Norway).
The event which would be attended by a large number of the people from different walks of life, will be opened for public at 5 pm on 19th August, Saturday.
A statement of Pakistan Union Norway said, during the event, Pervez Musharraf would also be given a special award for recognition of his visionary leadership and services for Pakistani nation.
Leading social worker of Pakistan Mr Sajid Raza Sikka and UK based senior Pakistani journalist and writer Ahmad Nizami will also receive the excellence awards from Pakistan Union due to their noteworthy works in their respective fields.
The statement of Pakistan Union Norway emphasized that the union has always tried its best to invite the leading personalities due to their significant skills in different social and scientific fields and as well as other dignitaries for their key role in nation building.
Beside the main program of the Pakistan’s National Day, the Union will also arrange three separate events of media workshop and seminars on forced marriage and investment in Pakistan in Oslo, the Norwegian capital.

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