KC-EU for EU’s intervention to avert a war in South Asia


Brussels (PR)

Kashmir Council EU (KC-EU for EU) has decided to launch a notable campaign calling the European Union to play its role for averting a war in the South Asian region.

The decision was approved in a meeting of KC-EU headed by its Chairman Mr Ali Raza Syed at its central secretariat in Brussels.

Condemning the recent Indian aggression on areas of Azad Kashmir along with the line of control of Kashmir and as well as Pakistan’s territories, the meeting underlined that Indian adventurous moves can escalate an atomic war in the region.

In a statement after the meeting, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, the severe situation of the region is due to Indian long avoidance from dialogue process with Pakistan.

He said, we are going to meet high ranking officials of European Union and as well members of EU parliament asking them to prevent Indian adventurous activities in the region because war, which causes the only destruction, is not a solution of the problem. EU should bring Pakistan and India on the table of talks and Kashmiris as a key party of the issue should be included in these talks.

He said, people of the whole region including Kashmiris want peace and peace in the region can be restored only after the just resolution of Kashmir issue. According to him, beside the meetings, KC-EU will also dispatch letters to the higher authorities of EU requesting them to play their role for peace in South Asia.

International community specially UN and EU should play their role and avert further losses of life and destruction of South Asia.

Meanwhile, Kashmir Council EU has also finalized its protest demonstration to be held on Monday, March 4, 2019 in front of EU headquarters in Brussels. The demonstration would be held against the war and in favour of peace in South Asia and all peace lovers are invited to join this demonstration.

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