Pakistan Independence Day celebrated in Poland


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Warsaw, News Desk, August 14, 2017

To celebrate the Independence Day of Pakistan, a graceful flag hoisting ceremony was held in the embassy of Pakistan Warsaw, Poland on 14 August, 2017. The program was attended by community members living in Warsaw, Pakistani students studying in Polish Universities and Embassy officials and their families. The ceremony started with recitation of the Holy Quran. Charge d’ Affairs, Shifaat Kaleem hoisted the national flag. Messages of the President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan were read out by the Charge d’ Affairs.

Mr. Shifaat Kaleem congratulated the community members on the Independence Day and said that the day reminded us to renew our commitment to serve our country with dedication and play the due role in its progress and development. He emphasized that struggle and sacrifices of our forefather for independence should not be forgotten and we must work hard to achieve the cherished objectives of our elders to make Pakistan a strong and prosperous country. Charge d’ Affaires said that Pakistanis living abroad were a great asset for the country. They are not only playing an important role in the economic development of our motherland, but are also instrumental in projecting the soft and true image of Pakistan and highlighting our rich and diverse culture to the Polish people. At the end, Pakistani food was served to the guests.

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